
Agreement, Sydney Walker, 12 panels, 38” X 36”, acrylic on canvas, 2023

Was Jesus disappointed? He gave His life, became sin—the very thing His Father despised—and bore the weight of guilt for all the sin in the world. Did He have regrets? Was it really worth it? In chapter fifty-three, Isaiah reassures us with certainty that the suffering servant, the Messiah, would see the labor of His soul and be satisfied.

Along with many, I believe that the power of Jesus cross is released to us when we take communion. Reading Isaiah 53 has become part of what I do to partake of communion at home. When I read Isaiah’s declaration that the Messiah will see the labor of His soul and be satisfied (53:11), it brings a feeling of relief to know that Jesus was not disappointed in the results of His sacrifice. He was satisfied.


Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Crying out from the cross, He proclaimed, “It is finished (John 19:30)!” He was unwaveringly satisfied that His death and resurrection ended the power of the enemy over our lives.

When we pray, we can know that Jesus has already accomplished the means to  answer our requests; otherwise, He would not have been satisfied. Nothing more needs to be done. With His cross, He decimated the devil’s intentions. This truth should wrap our prayers in faith that cancels all doubt as we let the Holy Spirit remind us that Jesus has removed all authority from the one who only exists to kill, steal and destroy. Our part is to dwell in Jesus’ satisfaction and declare victory for our lives and others.


There is satisfaction in the visual bond between the mirror images of the twelve panels, but there is also a tension produced by the gap that divides each form. The third panel of the top row erases this gap and removes the tension. This is not unlike our position in the world. We are not complete. To deal with the tension, caused by our incompleteness, we strive to fill in the void. Over time, however, we find that nothing produces long-term satisfaction. The gap remains. If we ask, however, Jesus, can fill gap with Himself and bring lasting satisfaction.

Lord Jesus, what a relief it is to read of Your satisfaction in Your sacrifice. Isaiah describes Your death as not only physical torment, but a labor of the soul, suffering that encompassed deep internal agony. We will never grasp what You experienced, separated from Your Father, becoming the very thing He hates, and bearing the weight of the entirety of the world’s sin, but knowing You have no regrets, brings great peace and comfort. You were satisfied!

Lord Jesus, let Your satisfaction take hold of us, work in us, infuse and soak our prayers with faith that realizes what we desire and request has already been obtained—two thousand years ago. Let Your satisfaction do its work, crushing our doubts, raising our hopes, bringing incredible changes and unending praise for the God who gave Himself for us and is utterly satisfied.

Sydney Walker, July 28, 2023

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2 responses to “SATISFIED”

  1. Carol Rose Avatar
    Carol Rose

    Thank you for the reminder of the great peace and comfort His satisfaction brings us, His people. I’m thinking too that His satisfaction is derived from knowing that His Father accepted His sacrifice, evident by His resurrection and reign at the Father’s right hand 👑 Thank you for the visual of Jesus filling our gaps.

  2. betwefp6 Avatar

    Thank you, Carol, for leaving a comment. It always means a lot to know how others are responding to my thoughts. You’re right. Jesus was totally satisfied because He fulfilled His Father’s will, always His first priority. That oneness between them is so important.