
Playground, Sydney Walker, 12 panels, 38” X 36”, acrylic on canvas, 2023

Jesus loves us. Does He enjoy being with us? Does He take pleasure in our company? Seeking to find out what intimacy with Jesus was all about, Dan Baumann, a member of Youth with a Ministry (YWAM), recalls an experience he had when he was fifteen. He had heard testimonies from others who spoke of a close relationship with the Lord, but it had escaped him. One day Dan was walking along a river bank throwing rocks into the water and had the inner impression, “Dan, “Can I throw rocks with You?” He ignored the thought and continued skipping rocks across the water, but the thought persisted.

Finally, Dan said, “God, I think you’re asking to throw rocks with me but why would you want to throw rocks with me? I mean, you’re concerned with the world and all its problems. You can’t possibly care about throwing rocks with me.” Then Dan heard back, “I want to throw rock with you because you want to throw rocks. I just want to hang out with you and do whatever you’re doing. I just want us to be together so our friendship can grow.” In typical Dan fashion, he responded, “That’s it?” And the Lord replied, “That’s it.”[i]

[i] Baumann, D. & Klassen, M. (2005), A beautiful way: an invitation to a Jesus-centered life, YWAM publishers.  


Dan began to realize that it didn’t matter what he was doing, going to the beach, the mini-mart or on a hike, Jesus just wanted to be with him. Dan’s experience left a strong impression on me realizing that, even in the most unspiritual and mundane of times, Jesus enjoys being with us. It gives Him pleasure.

Lord Jesus, it might seem to trivialize You to recognize Your presence with us in the mundane parts of our lives, but I believe Dan’s experience skipping rocks on the river bank was authentic. You do enjoy the pleasure of our company.

Dutch Sheets has written a wonderful book that confirms Dan’s experience. Dutch describes how incredible God is, far beyond us, declaring Him to be the most interesting individual on earth and in heaven.[i] But then, given God’s extraordinary attributes, abilities, intellect and accomplishments, Dutch makes this astonishing claim: “What if I told you this man requests the pleasure of your company; that this incredible person, the only true and living God, not only loves you, He likes you.”[ii]

[i] Sheets, D. (2015). The pleasure of His company, Bethany House Publishers, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 10.

[ii] Ibid. 14.

There it is! You actually like us!

You made us with the desire to be recognized and liked just for ourselves. It’s part of our DNA and You fill that need for us. If we allow You to invade the busyness of our lives, the self-absorption and independence, You will make Your presence known to us every day.

It might seem narcissistic or prideful on our part to think that someone as marvelous as You would want to spend time with us, but You do.

As Dutch explains, “Our company is what He longs for.” He wants relationship, intimacy and family.[i]

[i] Ibid, 15.

Lord Jesus, help us not to miss this opportunity.


The twelve disciples were not just neophytes to be taught. Jesus loved and enjoyed being with them, calling them ‘friends’ (John 15:15). In the gospels, we find instances that suggest the pleasure which Jesus had in being with the twelve.


After the resurrection, Jesus showed up on the beach, cooked breakfast for the disciples and waited for them to come close to shore after a night of fishing. He seemed to want to spend time with them in a relaxed, unhurried manner, desiring to welcome Peter back into the fold after his painful denial that He even knew Jesus. Sharing a meal was not required, but Jesus wanted to create an inviting atmosphere and spend time with them. He even filled their nets with a miracle catch of fish. He was not rushed, hurrying to speak with Peter and then quickly leaving. There was great pleasure for Him in just being with the disciples.


Peter came into the house ready to ask Jesus about the temple tax, but Jesus was ahead of Him and started a conversation about paying taxes. Jesus said to Peter, “What do you think, Simon? From whom do the kings of the earth take customs or taxes, from their sons or from strangers? Peter responded that taxes should be paid to kings by strangers, not their sons. Jesus then concluded that if the sons are free, He was not obligated to pay the temple tax as Peter had been questioned about from the religious tax collectors. Surprisingly, Jesus tells Peter that in order not to offend the temple officials, He will pay the tax for both Himself and Peter. But even more unanticipated, He tells Peter to go fishing and take a coin from the mouth of the first fish comes up.

I relate this episode for the delight I think Jesus experienced in dealing with Peter and the tax problem. Certainly, Jesus could have paid the tax from the money box the disciples carried with them, but what fun to tell Peter to go fishing for the tax payment. Jesus turned a problem into a memorable occasion between Himself and Peter.


Genesis tells of God creating man in His own image, placing the man in a lush garden filled with every tree that was pleasant to the sight and good to eat. Why did God create Adam? It was not need. God has no needs. As Psalm 149:4 confirms, “God takes pleasure in His people.” He created us just for the pleasure of a relationship with us.

In the garden, God brought to Adam every beast of the field and bird of the air, requesting Adam to name them. Why? God was certainly not incapable of naming His own creations. “Adam, God might have said, “I created all the creatures, now you name them.” Genesis says God wanted to see what Adam would call each of them. He obviously delighted in Adam.


It is important to note that in these examples of Dan, Jesus and the disciples, and Adam, none of them earned God’s attention. Dan was just strolling along a river bank throwing rocks; the disciples were not even seeking Jesus, but had gone back to their fishing business; and Adam was just savoring his new home. God’s pleasure in being with us does not come from merit. He simply delights in us for ourselves.


Dan writes that he began to become more and more aware of Jesus’ personal love for him. He questioned, “How could the God of the universe love me like that!? Wow! What do you do when you are loved like that? For me, in that moment, I was changed and all I wanted to do was love God back.”[i] When we apprehend that God takes pleasure being with us, instead of inflating our egos, it produces greater love, affection and desire to live in His presence.

[i] Baumann, D. op. cit. (2005).

Knowing that God enjoys being with us removes the pressure. We don’t always have to be pursing some goal in prayer or seeking greater revelations or insights. It is just fine to only be with Him. He likes that. But how often is that what we do?

I heard of a man who, using fine china and silver, set the table for two, and invited Jesus to dine with him. I know. It’s a little strange. but the idea is sound. We should make opportunities to be with Jesus. Special times are needed, but no matter what we’re doing, we need to cultivate an awareness of Him.


Two balls, little ball and big ball, take pleasure in chasing one another. Sometimes little ball chases big ball and then it reverses with big ball in pursuit. Sometimes one catches the other one, but it’s too much fun to stop and the game begins again. There’s no agenda, no purpose other than the pleasure of the company, being together. If the painting were audible, I can imagine sounds of laughter, lots of it. This should be our experience with Jesus, often, enjoying being in one an others’ company.


Lord Jesus, Your pleasure in being with us is not just for a day or every once in a while, but every day, 24/7. We can find this difficult to accept because our mindset says we must earn Your approval and acceptance.

Even as believers, we can fall into the trap of believing we must strive to win God’s approval. God loved us before we came to Him, why would He limit His love for us or change His standards once we accept His offer to repent and become part of His family? Yes, He wants us, as believers, to more and more surrender to His ways, but that is not the basis for His love for us. His love, unlike the human variety, is unconditional.

I highly recommend Dan Baumann’s book, A Beautiful Way. Chapter one, “God’s Personal Love,” especially deals with the issue of believing in God’s love for us. In this chapter, Dan says as a college student He had to learn to go to bed, not rehearsing his failures for that day, what he had done or not done, but only with the thought that God loves me.

Lord Jesus, forgive me for trying to win Your approval. Help me to honor You and the Father by accepting, not my futile efforts to prove myself to You, but only Your righteousness as all I need to belong and be loved by God.

Sydney Walker, May 12, 2023

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One response to “HIS PLEASURE”

  1. Merle M. Mills Avatar

    Wow. God wants to spend time with me. What a thought!
    Loving Father remind me often, that You would like to spend
    time with me, and let me cherish each moment, Amen.